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               Market Letter  Oct/21/2024
      "Irrational Markets Can Outlast Individual Solvency"...  T. E. Kotas/©"...first in Keys Business News"©
"Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway."  - Warren Buffett
STOCKPIE.COM Market Report .... "There are three kinds of lies: Lies, damned lies and statistics." -Mark Twain has exclusive daily 'mobile text' updates to our privileged subscribers...
e-mail us for this service... annual fees are 8199.00usd per year


The Housing Market continues Slow Melt down in some areas to 2024...? & Gold blast up again?...
U.S. & World is "Printing Inflation!... it is like having Chopstick Termitesä... they always eat first!"
 ChopStickTermitesä Still Prepared for market fluctuations? -42,000 DJIA called by some? NYSE's  Circuit-Breaker instituted!... ?
           Later - See You On Duval Street"©             "Gold Knows No Master" ä
         'Cosmic Deviation Market Letter'         TIDBIT: There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar!

Webster's Dictionary: Inflation is, "An increase in the amount of currency in circulation, resulting in a relatively sharp and
sudden fall in its value and rise in prices: it may be caused by an increase in the volume of paper money issued.."
STOCKPIE.COM Market News: 'Bubble-Fun Worldä' -"Where Blowing Bubbles can get stickyä"
Projection Update: Europe's financial regulators have held a "war game" exercise, simulating a continent-wide financial crisis, amid fears they are ill- prepared to stop a problem in one country spreading across borders
. Questions to ask!  Who will print more currency?... & Whose Your Daddy?

"Currency that is backed by Gold/Silver is archaic?...
but to back it on the faith of any government's management abilities is insane!"...
"You have to choose [as a voter] between trusting to the natural stability of gold and the natural stability and intelligence of the members of the government. And with due respect to these gentlemen, I advise you, as long as the capitalist system lasts, to vote for gold." - George Bernard Shaw
       "Pennies now cost more to make than their exchange value"
1. a rare ductile metallic element, (symbol Pd.) Palladium is a lustrous silver-white metal
of the platinum group used as a catalyst, especially in electrical contacts and in alloys.
                  2. a statue of Pallas Athena, goddess of wisdom and protector of Athens and other cities of Greece
Government is actually the worst failure of civilized man. There has never been a really good one, and even those that are
most tolerable are arbitrary, criminal, grasping, and unintelligent." - H.L. Mencken


*Barry Eichengreen, an economic historian at the University of California, Berkeley, is cited as pointing out ominously that "there is no historical precedent for such a large economy being so heavily in debt to the rest of the world. "

'Today's KWTD Business Success Tip!': “Treat Everyone as though they just won the Lottery &
or She is 18 Years Old & wants to take you Home!”

   KinKansä:  (kin kan / kum´kwots) Small Trees with origins in China - sweet-scented white flowers, and small, orange-yellow
   edible fruits which are eaten fresh or in preserves & also a Martini garnish... Fortunella of the family Rutaceae a close relative
   to other citrus fruits &... a new Premier Club at... 'KinKans'*a Certification & Club for the Wine Connoisseur

   "Find the trend whose premise is false and bet against it." - George Soros       

  STOCKPIE Global Markets Analysis & Other Selections - Fu bu guo san dai
STOCKPIE Education Note: Under Rule 10b5-1 trading plans, company insiders can buy or sell their company's stock through prearranged plans, so the transactions can be legally executed even if the insider later acquires material nonpublic information.
"Gambling institutions do not bring out the noblest characters in society"  - Financier Warren Buffett
             "Later - See You On Duval Street"©                                                                     

STOCKPIE.COM Racing Form Selections
STOCKPIE.COM Bets: Fall/Winter Season Investment Racing -

"Boeing, GM, Ford, & Harley-Davidson to have slowing unit sales? - Time to dig in with some Kentucky Fried Chicken!"  this statement was made in Feb. '22 and is true now as well? (free advice is always to be questioned!}
... Sensei @StockPie

" It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change. " - Charles Darwin
#Daily Doubles: long term --"Watch the costs and the profits will take care of themselves." - Andrew Carnegie
ISCA red light special as country boys sell T-shirts and economy cools wait for drop then look for opportunity
IGT three 7's and you win big winner... but slow down? ... These should both be winners as uncertain times continue?

"Some areas of Oslo are still marked by the massive volume of residential construction prompted by the rise in prices. The housing market collapsed at that time. The demand for new dwellings was saturated. It was not until the mid-1980s that real house prices returned to the level in 1899. "
- Governor Svein Gjedrem
               a few years ago
"Key West Institute's Cuba Research Symposium"
The annual rate of inflation is at its lowest level in a generation, but even low inflation can deflate the future value of your dollar.

"Key West Institute's Trade-Investment Mission"... Oct.19-23, 2023
"A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain."  - Mark Twain
Official Business News of Key West/Florida Keys & the rest of the Civilized Worldä
- Not in Control           Now on lecture circuit making $millions?
Current 'Top Dog': rates may have to rise ?! but? he 'Drops New Currency from Helicopters'?
*-- "In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. ... This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard." - Alan Greenspan

- Not in Control / tambien? *Past leader-Tung Che Hwa China/Hong Kong* growth continues slowing trend... Hong Kong real estate is taking a bath?    "Fu bu guo san dai or Wealth never survives three generations "
                                                                                                                                                      - Chinese proverb
-  Gastric Disturbance , Gas?    
As The  Money Flows: With nothing new to tell and everything old to sell, the energy domination is poised for a field day. The oil barons are buying drinks at the saloon, while the nuclear power fiends are gearing up for Star Wars The Next Chapter...  Once again! Homo Sapiens Erectus is crawling on all fours across the road confusing  the direction to progress.
Chief Investment Strategist  --- Sensei            
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Hulacaneä Martini: 2oz of Rum, Sugarcane stalk, 2oz Sweet & Sour mix, Secret ingredient, 1oz pineapple juice,
Shake in a circular motion over ice and strain into a chilled martini glass, garinish with wedge of lime.
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What Is Money Laundering?
Money laundering is the process by which criminals attempt to conceal the true origin and ownership of the proceeds of their criminal activities. If undertaken successfully, it also allows them to maintain control over thoses proceeds and, ultimately, to provide a legitimate cover for their source of income.

The Need To Combat Money Laundering
In recent years there has been a growing recognition that it is essential to the fight against crime, that criminals be prevented from legitimising the proceeds of their criminal activities by converting funds from "dirty" to "clean".
The ability to launder the proceeds of criminal activity through the financial system is vital to the success of criminal operations. Those involved need to exploit the facilities of the world's financial instutions if they are to benefit from the proceeds of their activities. The increased integration of the world's financial systems, and the removal of barriers to the free movement of capital, have served to make the process by which proceeds of crime can be laundered much easier and at the same time, making the tracing process more complicated. Consequently, The World's Nations have an important role to play incombating money laundering by virtue of being a major international business and financial center.

Stages of Money Laundering
There is no one single method of laundering money. Methods can range from the purchase and resale of a luxury item (e.g., cars or jewelry) to passing money through a complex international web of legitimate businnesses, "shell" companies and other corporate vehicles. Initially, however, in the case of drug trafficking and some other serious crimes, such as robbery, the proceeds usually take the form of cash that needs to enter the financial system by some means.
Despite the variety of methods employed, the laundering process takes place in three stages, which may comprise numerous transactions that could alert a financial institution to criminal activity. The three stages of money laundering are:

a). Placement - the physical disposal of cash proceeds derived from illegal activity;

b). Layering - separating illicit proceeds from their source by creating complex layers of financial transactions designed to disguise the audit trail and provide anonymity; and

c). Integration - the provision of apparent legitimacy to criminally derived wealth. If the layering process has succeeded, integration schemes place the laundered proceeds back into the economy in such a way that they re-enter the financial system appearing as normal into the economy in such a way that they re-enter the financial system appearing as normal business funds.

The three basic steps may occur as separate and distinct phases, they may occur simultaneously or, more commonly, they may overlap. How the basic steps are used depends on the available laundering mechanisms and the requirements of the criminal organisations.

The Global Fight Against Money laundering

The Financial Action Task Force(FATF)

The Financial Action Task Force was founded by the Governments of the G7 leading industrialised nations in 1989. The FATF is the main international body for addressing money laundering. A list of its member countries can be found at the FATF website" The FATF is an inter-governmental body that develops and promotes policies, both nationally and internationally, to combat money laundering. As a "policy making body" therefore, its primary goal is to generate the political will necessary for bringin about national legislative and regulatory reforms in this area.

The FATF have put together 40 Recommendations [1] on tackling money laundering. The 40 Recommendations provide the scope for cooperation at the international level in the global fight against money laundering.

The Forty Recommendations set out the framework for anti-money laundering efforts and are designed for universal application. They provide a complete set of counter-measures against money laundering covering the criminal justice system and law enforcement, the financial system and its regulation, and international co-operation.

Some of the basic obligations contained in the Recommendations are:
The criminalization of the laundering of the proceeds of serious crimes (Recommendations 4) and the enactment of laws to seize and confiscate the proceeds of crime (Recommendation 7).
Obligations for financial institutions to identify all clients, including any beneficial owners of property, and to keep appropriate records (Recommendations 10 to 12).
A requirement for financial institutions to report suspicious transactions to the competent national authorities (Recommendation 15), and to implement a comprehensive range of internal control measures (Recommedation 19).
Adequate systems for the control and supervision of financial institutions (Recommendations 26 to 29).
The need to enter into international treaties or agreements and to pass national legislation which will allow countries to provide prompt and effective international co-operation at all levels (Recommendations 32 to 40).
The FATF has also promoted the concept of regional organisations along the lines of its own structure, whose goals are to raise awareness of money laundering and introduce regional evaluation structure, whose goals are to raise awareness of money laundering and introduce regional evaluation programmes to monitor implementation of the 40 Recommendations, amongst other things.

The Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF)

Within Caribbean, the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force was established as part of the efforts of the FATF to set up regional style bodies patterned after the FATF. The CFATF came into existence as a result of three regional meetings of Governments. The first occurred in June 1990 in Aruba at a conference attended by representatives of fifteen states, plus the five "donor' countries of the FATF which have an affiliation with the region [2]. The Aruba meeting reviewed the 40 recommendations of the FATF and produced twenty-one recommendations [3]. These complement the original FATF recommendations and have particular applicability within this region.

The second regional meeting took place in Kingston, Jamaica, in June 1992, and was attended by the representatives of the states and territories which had attended the Aruba meeting. This meeting addressed the main areas of focus: legal; financial; political; and technical assistance. Detailed recommendations were prepared, and later presented to a Ministerial meeting which was convened in Kingston in Novemebr 1992. The Ministerial Meeting produced an accord embodied in the "Kingston Declaration on Money Laundering". This Declaration endorses the implementation of the 1988 UN "Vienna" Convention, the OAS Model Regulations and the FATF and the CFATF recommendations. The Kingston Declaration also called for the establishment of a Regional Secretariat to co-ordinate the process of implementation within member states.

In November 1993 a Steering Group meeting that agreed on the arrangements for the creation of the Secretariat was convened in Port of Spain. The Secretariat was established during early 1994, in Trinidad and Tobago, and funded by the FATF donor countries. The Chair of CFATF is rotated annually amongst its members.

The members of the CFATF are: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman islands, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Monserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua, panama, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands and Venezuela.
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